Roller and Skived Burnished Tubes: Improving Performance in a Variety of Industries

Skived and Roller Burnished Tubes have become technological wonders in the world of precision tubing. They have transformed industries. With their flawless surface finish and increased durability, these tubes are being used in many applications, from automotive parts to hydraulic systems. This article will take a look at skived or roller-burnished tubes, the manufacturing process they use, as well as their advantages and applications.

The Tubes Manufacturing Process

The Skiving Process – Perfecting the Surface

Skiving is the process of removing material by a very thin layer from the inner surface of a tube. The result is a smooth surface that reduces wear and friction. The process improves tube longevity and fluid flow for hydraulic systems.

Roller Burnishing Process – Sealing the Deal

The smoothness that is achieved by skiving can be taken to a new level with roller burnishing. This process involves passing a roller through the tube to create compressive forces which further refines the surface. The tube is not only given a mirror finish, but its corrosion resistance and fatigue resistance are also improved.

The advantages of skived and roller burnished tubes

Skived and Roller Burnished Tubes have a wide range of benefits.

Improvements in Surface Finish

This smooth, polished surface minimizes heat and energy losses by reducing friction. It is especially useful in hydraulic and pneumatic high-speed applications.

Strengthened and Durable

Roller burnishing induces compression stress at the surface of tubes, which results in a longer fatigue life. These tubes are ideal for applications requiring frequent pressure changes.

Dimensional Accuracy

Precision in manufacturing ensures that inner diameters are consistent and the wall thicknesses are uniform. This is critical to maintaining compatibility with intricate systems.

Where skived and roller burnished tubes excel

Powerhouse Hydraulic Cylinders

The smooth surfaces of skived or roller-burnished tubes are perfect for hydraulic cylinders. They not only increase efficiency, but they also decrease the likelihood of leakage. They are used in agricultural equipment and construction machinery.

Automotive Industry Driving Forward

These tubes are used in the automotive industry to improve the durability and performance of steering and shock absorbers. The ability of these tubes to resist high pressures and cyclic load ensures safety and comfort for drivers and passengers.

A breath of fresh air: Pneumatic systems

Tubes that allow for rapid air flow are essential to pneumatic systems. They’re used in automation and manufacturing. The tubes that are skived or roller-burnished meet the demand for low friction, consistent surfaces and offer a uniform inner surface. They’re ideal in such applications.

Continue reading this article to learn more about the difference between roller-burnished and skived tubes. We’ll also discuss maintenance, trends in the market, and how you can choose the best tube for you.

Differences between Skived and Roller-Burnished Tubes

Although skived tubes and roller-burnished tubes have many similarities, there are also some differences.

Process variations

The skiving process involves the removal of material by cutting, while the roller burnishing method relies on deformation. The fundamental difference in the approach has a direct impact on surface finish as well as mechanical properties.

Surface finish Nuances

The smooth surface of the skived tube is ideal for applications that require a low friction finish. The roller burnished tubes achieve a smoother finish with increased compressive stress and fatigue resistance.

Matching your needs to the perfect tube

Considerations Specific to Application

The decision between roller-burnished and skived tubes is based on a number of factors, including operating pressures and the required surface finish. Roller burnished tubes are often the best choice for high-pressure hydraulic applications. However, skived tubes work well in situations requiring low friction.

Expert Consulting: Uncovering the Ideal Solution

It can be difficult to navigate the complexity of tube selection. Consult with professionals who are familiar with both the processes and ensure your selection is perfect for your application.

Tube Care: Maintaining Your Tubes

A Priority: Preventing corrosion

It is essential that you clean your skived or roller-burnished tubes regularly and apply anticorrosion treatments to extend their life. Rust can compromise the smooth surface of skived and roller burnished tubes.

Thorough Inspections to Ensure Continued Performance

It is important to perform regular visual inspections and inspect the system non-destructively in order to detect any wear, corrosion, or fatigue. Early detection of system failures can save money and ensure the integrity of systems.

Benefits of Conventional Tubes

Higher Load Bearing Capacity

Skiving and burnishing the surface with a roller directly improves load bearing capabilities. Tubes that are able to withstand greater stress without losing performance will benefit from this process.

Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness

The initial cost of skived or roller-burnished tubes may be higher initially, but their longer lifespan and increased efficiency will result in significant savings.

Market Dynamics and Future Outlook

Growing Demand

The demand for roller and skived tubes continues to grow as industries strive to improve efficiency and performance. The ability of these tubes to reduce wear and optimize fluid dynamics is in line with modern engineering.

Technological Developments

Research and development continue to refine the skiving, roller burnishing and other processes. The advancements will result in even more smooth surfaces, improved material usage, and expanded application.

The Precision Challenge: Navigating the challenges

Precision Imperatives

Skiving and rolling burnishing both require high precision in every stage. To achieve the best results, machining precision, tool quality and process control are essential.

Quality Measures

It is essential that each tube be subjected to stringent quality controls in order to guarantee the surface finish, dimension accuracy and mechanical properties specified. A slight deviation in performance could be detrimental.

Environmental Responsibility: A Closer Look

Material Use Efficiency

Skived and Roller Burnished Tubes are manufactured with precision, resulting in minimal waste. By conserving materials, this aligns with sustainable goals.


These tubes are highly recyclable, and their carbon footprint is reduced by their metal-based composition.

Case study: real-world application of excellence

The Delivering of Precision in Healthcare

To optimize performance, a medical device manufacturer used skived tubes and roller-burnished tubes. Tubes with an exceptional finish, and durable tubes improve airflow to enhance patient care.

A Future of Smoothness

Roller and skived tubes redefine what is possible with precision tubing. These tubes’ seamless surfaces, increased durability and superior performance across a wide range of applications demonstrate their excellence. These tubes are ready to deliver on their promise of excellence as industries push to the limits.


Which industries use roller and skived burnished tubes most often? Due to the exceptional finish of these tubes, they are used in hydraulic systems, automobile manufacturing and pneumatic automation.

Is it possible to customize skived or roller-burnished tubes for specific applications? Yes! The tubes are able to be customized to suit specific needs, whether it is the surface finish or dimensional accuracy.

Is there a limit to the dimensions of these tubes? Although skived or roller-burnished tubes are available in varying sizes, the precise nature of manufacturing may make it difficult to manufacture tubes with extremely small or large dimensions.

What is the difference between the price of traditional tubes and skived or roller-burnished tubes? Although the initial costs might be higher, their long-term effectiveness and enhanced performance often justify the investment.

How does the surface finish affect tube performance? The finish of tubes directly influences friction, wear and fluid dynamics. Skiving or roller burning can smooth out the surface of tubes, reducing energy losses and improving overall efficiency.

Post time: Aug-30-2023